Saturday, March 24, 2018

Daily Posting...well almost everyday!!

For over a year now, I have tried to post a piece of artwork everyday!  This has been challenging - yet very rewarding! This has not been on my blog or in LinkedIn, Twitter or other social media outlets other than on Facebook!

I would like to invite you to check out a few of my posts, and follow me is you like... here is my Facebbook Link:

I find inspiration hidding everywhere!  Like the painting above.  It is of a statue in Singapore, China.  I live near the Gulf coast... so I find gems in my local area from manatees to the ocassional suffer:

And everyday... or nearly everyday, I post a new painting that I finished that day.  Sometimes, I do have to post a blast painting from the past... but for the most part, they are new. 

So, again, I invite you to check out my work on Facebook.  Send me a 'Friend Request', drop a line or two.  And as always, my painting are for sale and reasonably priced!
